Wednesday, July 11, 2012

casting about

I've been absent here, trying to be present in my everyday life. Trying to find the ground, to root in and hold as the winds and waters of life past around me. Casting over and out, tempting nibbles of the future to align correctly.  Changes are happening, slowly, slowly. I can feel my heart pulling towards the future, as I try to pull it back, to be. Here. Now. Planning is a genetic impulse. Lists, budgets, schedules, more lists.
One fantastic project has consumed me. It is finally finished, 13 plus hours later.  Thirteen hours snatched from here and there in the evenings, between adventures and errands on weekends. I have more waiting in the wings, ready to be born of leather and rivets, and maybe even fabric. Soon, they will be ready to share. As soon as the light is right, photos will be taken. 

Until then, be good and gentle with yourself.

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